Welcome Music Studio Families!
Performance Calendar Music Studio Music Monday Volunteer and Donate Music Curriculum Meeting minutes Music Studio Department Contacts Executive Board
(Just click on the poster to be taken to the ticket link)
The Music Studio congratulates our very own Rocco Carbone on being one of five recipients of the Manilow Music Project Award in New York City!
The Manilow Music project accepted nominations for outstanding music teachers across all five city boroughs and opened voting to the public. The five winning high schools will each receive $5000 in new band instruments for their school band and the winning teacher will receive another $5000 grant.
The Music Studio
Behind the Scenes!
Your Music Studio Executive Board comprises a group of parent volunteers elected to represent the interests of Music Studio families to the LaGuardia Parents Association (PA) and to LaGuardia’s Music Department, and the opportunities and requirements of LaGuardia’s Music Department to families. Our goals are to support our Vocal and Instrumental students, and to assist in the school’s mission to educate and inspire our young musicians. We also provide financial support for Music Department needs. Please join us in supporting the unique talents of our children! Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or would like to get involved.
Whether you're a new or returning family of an Instrumental or Vocal student, we're excited to share this school year with you at LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts, where formative learning experiences, exceptional performance opportunities, and boundless personal growth create unique harmonies. TO BE IN THE KNOW about your teenager's LaG life - classes, practices/rehearsals, clubs, sports, concerts/shows, the wider LaG Arts community and more - we're here to help, with monthly Music Studio meetings (in person and on zoom) and weekly Music Monday newsletters.
IMPORTANT: in order to receive Music Monday (our weekly newsletter) or important email blasts you MUST join our PA directory ASAP and OPT IN to receive the info you need. Click HERE to go to the LaGuardia HS PA site where you can create an account on Membership Toolkit (the backend). Once you sign up and fill out the forms, you will get emails from the PA and Music Studio!
BOTH parents/guardians AND students can OPT IN, which helps to ensure that you and your student(s) won't miss a beat! Much information shared through Music Monday newsletters benefits students, and allowing them direct access to that information empowers them to take responsibility for their LaG experience.
Connect with us: WhatsApp Chat
Email: music@laguardiahspa.org or vocal@laguardiahspa.org
Music Monday Newsletters
2024 - 2025 Issues
September 9 September 16 September 23 September 30 October 7 October 21 October 28 November 4 November 18 November 25 December 2 December 10 December 16 January 6 January 13 January 27
2023 - 2024 Issues
September 11 September 18 October 2 October 16 October 23 November 6 November 13 November 20 November 27 December 4 December 11 December 18
January 8 January 22 January 29 February 5 February 12 February 26 March 4
March 11 March 18 March 25 April 8 April 15 May 6 May 13 May 20 May 28 June 3 June 10
Show Dates 2024-25
* unless notated, all concerts take place in the Concert Hall *
To purchase tickets for all shows, visit: https://www.tix.com/ticket-sales/laguardiahs/699.
Posters from 2024-25 Performances
Posters from 2023-24 Performances
A Sampling of 2023-24 Performances
Music Studio Merchandise 
Looking to rep the Music Studio with some swag?
No need to worry. We have plenty of Music Studio Merchandise available for purchase - from
t-shirts, to pajama pants, to hoodies, beanies, totes and so much more - you're sure to find something you like.
Merchandise is available for purchase during concerts, and once a month, from 2:30-4:30pm, during our all-school spirit day sales.
Questions? Please email musicmerch@laguardiahspa.org
Volunteer & Donate 
How can you help?
Donate to the Music Studio (scan QR code above)
Volunteer (this will only work if you have created an account on the LaGuardia HS Parents Association site.)
Music Studio PA Meeting Minutes
2024-2025 School Year
2023-2024 School Year
Music Studio Department Contacts
Music Studio Assistant Principal
Benjamin Schott
Krystyna Berman
Kevin Blancq
Jonathan Bloomfield
David Blumenthal
John Hamilton
Kimberly Roof
Dr. Valentina Shohdy
Robert Apostle
Jana Ballard
Jeanne Cascio
Victor Clark
Dawn Jones
Dr. Darryl Jordan
Chris Piro
Mary Ann Swerdfeger
LaG Music Curriculum
Vocal Studio and Instrumental Studio course sequence, grading policy, performance ensembles, course catalog and more:
Music (Instrumental & Vocal) Programs
Music Studio Board
General Inquiries
2024-2025 Music Studio Board members (elected)
Vocal Reps
Barbette Leonard
Vanessa Enriquez
Instrumental Reps
Music Studio Non-elected positions
Music Studio Audit Manager: Rose Javier
Music Studio Fundraising Coordinator: Jennifer Richey
Music Studio Merchandise Director: Diane Vasquez
Music Studio Merchandise Assistant: Shira Eisenberg
Music Studio Newsletter and Webpage Editors: Tauheedah Yasin & Karina Tabacinic
Music Studio Corresponding Secretaries: Tauheedah Yasin & Karina Tabacinic
Music Studio Recording Secretaries: Laetitia Ducroux & Abhilasha Mahan
Music Studio Volunteer Coordinators: Sherry Stuart Berman & Sonya Houston