General PA Meetings

General PA meetings will be held each month, beginning in September and ending in June. In the event that a general meeting falls on the day of a school, legal or religious holiday or on a day that the Principal has declared is unsuitable for a PA meeting, the Executive Board will schedule an alternate date/time and notify the general membership of the change.



9/27/23 @6:30pm Zoom
10/18/23 @6:30pm  Zoom 
11/14/23 @6:30pm In-person, LaGuardia
12/13/23 @6:30pm In-person, Zoom
1/16/24 @6:30pm Zoom
2/13//24 @6:30pm Zoom
3/20/24 @6:30pm In-person, LaGuardia
4/17/24 @6:30pm In-person, LaGuardia
5/15/24 @6:30pm Zoom (elections)
6/12/24 @6:30pm In-person, LaGuardia


Executive Board Meetings

Executive Board meetings are open to all members of the PA as observers. Executive Board meetings will be held once a month, beginning in September and ending in June. In the event that an EB meeting falls on the day of a school, legal or religious holiday, the Executive Board will meet on an alternate date/time.


9/26/23 @6:30pm Zoom
10/10/23 @6:30pm Zoom
11/8/23 @6:00pm In-person, LaGuardia
12/5/23 @6:00pm In-person, LaGuardia
1/10/24 @6:30pm Zoom
2/6/24 @6:30pm Zoom
3/12/24 @6:00pm In-person, LaGuardia
4/2/24 @6:00pm In-person, LaGuardia
5/7/24 @6:30pm Zoom
6/424 @6:00pm In-person, LaGuardia


Studio PA Meetings

Occur monthly.  Please check with your studio representatives for more information.




General PA, Executive Board and Academic Forum meeting minutes available upon request.